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eBook and Digital Resources FAQs

What are eBooks and digital resources?

Our eBooks are electronic versions of our printed books. They come in full-colour PDF format and can be read on a PC, laptop or any device enabled to view PDFs, such as the iPhone, iPad and Android devices. When viewed using Adobe Reader the eBooks incorporate thumbnail images and are bookmarked so that you can navigate easily from one section to another. We sell complete books as eBooks as well as individual chapters/units (eUnits) and single case studies (eCase Studies). You can view our full selection in the left-hand navigation bar of our website.
What can I do with each eBook version?
  1. eBook for personal use by single user - this PDF can be read on a PC, tablet or mobile by a single purchaser. Printing is allowed, but uploading to a VLE network is strictly prohibited.
  2. eBook to upload to a VLE network (12-month licence) - this PDF can be uploaded to a secure, closed VLE network and accessed by staff and students at the purchasing institution for one year from the date of purchase. Printing is allowed.
  3. eBook to upload to a VLE network (24-month licence) - this PDF can be uploaded to a secure, closed VLE network and accessed by staff and students at the purchasing institution for two years from the date of purchase. Printing is allowed.

We also sell digital teaching resources which comprise Microsoft Word and/or PowerPoint files delivered as a zip file. 

Copyright Notice: our eBooks and digital resources have an embedded code to detect copyright infringements, including unauthorised sharing and uploading.

How do I buy an eBook or digital resource?
  1. Find the eBook or digital resource that you want to purchase.
  2. Enter the quantity you want to buy, choose the version you want and click the 'add to basket' button.
  3. Check out with your credit/debit card in the normal way for instant access to your eBook or digital resource. UK schools and colleges can choose BACS as their payment method at checkout and enter an official PO number. Access to eBooks and digital resources ordered with BACS payment is triggered once we have received full payment.
  4. To download your eBook or digital resource log in to Your Account, click on Your Orders and then the Order Number - you will then be able to start your download. You can download your file a maximum of 3 times to allow use on different devices. Please save your downloads in a convenient place as our system does not allow downloading beyond the maximum 3 times.  
Can I print pages from my eBook or digital resource?
Unless otherwise stated on the product page, all eBooks and digital resources allow printing, as these statements explain:
  1. eBook for personal use by single user - this PDF can be read on a PC, tablet or mobile by a single purchaser. Printing is allowed, but uploading to a VLE network is strictly prohibited.
  2. eBook to upload to a VLE network (12-month licence) - this PDF can be uploaded to a secure, closed VLE network and accessed by staff and students at the purchasing institution for one year from the date of purchase. Printing is allowed.
  3. eBook to upload to a VLE network (24-month licence) - this PDF can be uploaded to a secure, closed VLE network and accessed by staff and students at the purchasing institution for two years from the date of purchase. Printing is allowed.
Copyright Notice: our eBooks have embedded code to detect copyright infringements, including unauthorised sharing and uploading.
Can I buy an eBook or digital resource if I live outside the UK?
Yes you can, using a valid credit/debit card for payment. Simply add the eBook(s) and/or digital resources to your basket and checkout in the normal way. Once your payment has been accepted you will receive a confirmation email. If you live outside the European Union (EU) the prices you pay will be automatically reduced by 20% as you don't have to pay VAT (value added tax)!
Travel and Tourism Publishing Ltd.

 Travel and Tourism                 Publishing
